Cashless Tips: Unlock a Stocking Full of EasyTip Magic This Christmas

  1. With the holiday spirit in full swing, the hospitality industry is bustling with activity, catering to people's needs and creating memorable experiences. This festive season, EasyTip is dedicated to ensuring that customers can express their gratitude through cashless tipping, making it easier than ever for hardworking hospitality professionals to enjoy a truly merry Christmas full of cashless tips. 

    EasyTip’s ultimate guide to earning more cashless tips this Christmas season:

1. Santa's Seamless Solution

Our innovative cashless tipping platform eliminates the hassle of traditional tipping methods. EasyTip ensures that workers receive their full cashless tips instantly. The process is quick and simple, requiring customers only to use their mobile phones or tablets to send tips directly to their chosen recipients, completing the transaction in as little as 3 seconds. Staff members who have embraced EasyTip's cashless tipping platform report an increase in tips, demonstrating the effectiveness of this seamless solution.

2. Merry cashless tipping merchandise 

EasyTip provides all clients with strategically placed merchandise, including, but not limited to, cards, stickers, receipts, bill folders, and stands. These items serve as gentle reminders for customers to leave a cashless tip by scanning the QR code. The convenience of this method encourages customers to express their appreciation effortlessly.

3. Unmatched twinkling transparency

EasyTip's cashless tipping platform prioritises transparency, ensuring that customers have complete confidence that their tips go directly to the intended recipient. Each staff member has their own tipping profile, complete with a name and photo, allowing customers to make informed decisions when expressing their gratitude

Alternatively, some businesses opt to sign up with EasyTip with a common tipping plan. This option ensures that all tips are split equally between the whole team. This means that even the staff members behind the scenes are rewarded for their hard work that otherwise might have gone unnoticed.

4. Spread the word of the gift of giving 

To maximise cashless tips, it's crucial to inform customers that your establishment accepts cashless tips. Utilise your social media platforms to make announcements and raise awareness. Increasing visibility directly correlates with a boost in tips, creating a win-win situation for both customers and hardworking staff.

This festive season and beyond, EasyTip empowers the hospitality industry to thrive by embracing cashless tipping. Elevate your customer service and show appreciation for your dedicated staff with a seamless, transparent, and effective tipping solution. Let EasyTip guide you towards a season filled with generosity and joy.


Sign up today and get festive tipping on the way!


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Your business may benefit from our cashless tipping platform. So, why not sign up today?  Get in touch with us and we will be delighted to help you get connected to our cashless tipping platform

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